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You should include the manifest attribute on each page honor play your site that you want cached. The browser does not cache pages without the manifest attribute, unless such pages are listed in the manifest file. You do not need to list all pages you want cached in the manifest file, the browser implicitly adds every page that the user visits and that has the manifest attribute set apk кеш the application cache. Some browsers e. The notification bar displays a message such as: This website example.

Loading documents The use of an application cache modifies the normal process of loading читать статью document: If an application cache exists, the browser loads the document and its associated resources directly from the cache, without apk кеш the network.

This speeds up the document load time. The browser then checks to see if the cache manifest has been updated on the server. If the cache manifest has been updated, the browser downloads a new version of the manifest and the resources listed in the manifest. This is done in the background and does not карты apk performance significantly. The process for loading documents and updating the application cache is specified in greater detail below: When the browser visits a document that includes the manifest attribute, if no application cache exists, the browser loads the document and then fetches all the entries listed in the manifest file, creating the first version продолжить чтение the application cache.

Subsequent visits to that document cause the browser to load the document and other assets specified in the manifest file from the application cache not from the server. In addition, the browser also sends a checking event to the window. If the currently-cached copy of the manifest is up-to-date, the browser sends a noupdate event to the applicationCache object, and the update process is complete. Note that if you change any cached resources on the server, you must also change the manifest file itself, so that the browser knows it needs to fetch all the resources again. If the manifest file has changed, all the files listed in the manifest—as well as those added to the cache hwcallrecorder apk calling applicationCache.

For each file fetched into this temporary cache, the browser sends a apk кеш event to the applicationCache object. If any errors occur, the browser sends по этому сообщению error event, apk кеш the update halts. Once all the files have been successfully retrieved, they are moved into the real offline cache automatically, and a cached event is sent to the applicationCache object. Since the document has already been loaded into the browser from the cache, the updated document will not be rendered until the document is reloaded either manually or programmatically.

Storage location and clearing the offline cache In Chrome you can clear the offline cache by selecting "Clear browsing data Safari has a similar "Empty cache" setting in its preferences but apk кеш https://sophiarugby.com/videopleeri-i-redaktori/gunship-battle-apk.php restart may also be required. The offline cache can be cleared for each site separately using the "Remove This has been fixed.

Application caches can apk кеш become obsolete. Referencing a cache manifest file The manifest attribute in a web application can specify either the relative path apk кеш a cache manifest file or an absolute URL. Absolute URLs must be from the same origin as the application. Entries in a cache manifest file The cache manifest file is a simple text file that lists the resources the больше информации should cache for offline access.

Resources are identified by URI. Witch trainer apk на русском listed in the cache manifest must have the same scheme, host, and port as the manifest. The following is apk кеш simple cache manifest file, example. In apk кеш example above, there is no section header, so all data lines are assumed to be in the explicit CACHE section, meaning that the browser should cache all the listed resources in the application cache.

Resources can be specified using either absolute or relative URLs e. The "v1" comment in the example above is there for a good reason. Browsers only update an application cache when the manifest file changes, byte for byte. If you change a cached resource for example, you update the header. You can make any change you want to the manifest file, but revising a version number is здесь recommended best practice. Important: Do not specify the manifest itself in the cache manifest file, otherwise it will be nearly impossible to inform the browser a new manifest is available.

All requests to больше на странице resources bypass the cache, even подробнее на этой странице the user is offline. Each entry in this section lists two URIs—the first is the resource, the second основываясь на этих данных the fallback. Both URIs must be relative and from the same origin as the manifest file.

Wildcards may be used. Example 2: a more complete cache manifest file The following is a more complete cache apk кеш file for the imaginary web site at www. All resources served using this Apk кеш type must follow the syntax for an application cache manifest, as defined in this section. Any other text on the line is ignored. The remainder of the cache manifest must be comprised of zero or more of the following lines: Blank line You may use blank lines comprised of zero or more space and tab characters. Comment Comments consist of zero or more tabs or spaces followed by a single character, followed by zero or more characters of comment text.

This means that you cannot specify fragment identifiers. Section header Section headers specify apk кеш section of the cache manifest is being manipulated. There are three possible section headers: Section header.

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