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Farming simulator 16 apk for Android

The first Farming Надо goat simulator apk все открыто пост game was released in April Farming Simulator 16 is the latest version which was released in May, Over the years, the game has changed a lot in terms of graphics, features and game-play. Today, it has a lot of features that were not available in the older читать. Farming Simulator 16 for Android and iOS It is a farming game where players grow crops, breed livestock and then sell output from the farm in the market.

Nfs apk has real locations from America and Europe along with 3D tractors from 20 different brands. Players have to build and manage their farm. Idea is to expand land by buying new farms. Crops and other resources from the farm are sold in the market. The money is used for buying new land and machinery. Features Tractors and machines are 3D with super-cool graphics. Players have to grow, harvest and sell five crops such as wheat, sugar, corn and others. Livestock breeding is another critical aspect farming simulator 16 apk the game.

Players have to sell milk подробнее на этой странице wool to get cash. Wood is another asset that has to be harvested and sold in the market. You can play it with адрес friends. It is an educational game which teaches you a lot посетить страницу stuff about agriculture, breeding, agricultural machinery and more.

Download Farming Simulator 16 for PC If you are sick of playing this fabulous game on your phone, there is a good news. You can download it on your PC at no cost. Farming Simulator is a 3D simulation game where you see tractors, machinery, farming simulator 16 apk, farms and a lot of interesting things. You can download Farming Simulator 16 for laptop or any computer and farming simulator 16 apk play it. The источник статьи will run on all types читать далее machines and operating systems.

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14.02.2021 в 09:27
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20.02.2021 в 04:48
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16.02.2021 в 09:58
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12.02.2021 в 11:05
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