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For regular publishing, you would normally choose the Production track. Click on the Manage button by the track you want to release your app on. Release name Name to identify release in the Play Console only, such as an internal code name or build version. This information is not available to the public, so you can choose any name that will help you remember what this release was about. Enter the release notes for each language within the relevant tags or copy the template for offline editing. Release notes for each language should be within the character limit. You are not required to enter the note for every language.

Finish other tabs first, then come back to this tab to review. Store Listing Here, нажмите чтобы прочитать больше have to provide product details. Product Details Provide title, short description, and sketchware apk description for your listing. Graphic Assets For Graphic Assets, at least 2 screenshots are required overall. Also, sketchware apk need to include a x sized Hi-res icon and w x h Feature Graphic. Categorization Choose Application type and Category for your application.

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