Step 3: Adjust camera and lighting. Adjust the main camera and lighting to get a better view of the scene. In the Hierarchy view, select Main Camera. In the Inspector view, under Transform, set the position to 0,10, and rotation to 20,0,0. In the Hierarchy view, select Directional Light. In the Inspector view, under Vr apk, set the rotation to посмотреть больше. Step 4: Add movement to the player ball.
In the Hierarchy view, select player-ball. In the Inspector view, do the following: a. Click the gear icon next to the PlayerController script and click Edit Script ссылка на продолжение open it in the code editor. Replace the sample code with the following to grab the input from the keyboard and add forces to move the ball. Collections; using System. For example, This variable is the same speed variable that we have declared in the PlayerController script in step 4. Click the Play button from the top vr apk preview your app.
Press the arrow keys on your keyboard to roll the ball around. Step 5. Add text. In the Vr apk view, select Text, and rename it to message. In the Inspector view, under Rect Transform, reposition the text. You can also change the font color and font size, if needed. Step 6. Change the wall color and display text when the ball enters or exits collision. The collision occurs when the ball hits the wall. You can add effects to highlight the collision.
For example, when the ball collides with the wall, the wall color changes and displays text, Ouch! On the other hand, when the ball is back to rolling, the wall color changes to the vr apk color and displays text, Keep Rolling In the Hierarchy, select first-wall. Click the gear icon next to the Vr apk script and click Edit Script to open it vr apk the code editor. Replace the sample code with the following code. Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.
In the Inspector view, under ColorController script, do the following: a. Expand Wall Material, in Size, enter 2, and in Element 0 and Element, drag and drop after-collision tools apk wall-color, respectively.
Click the gear icon next to Display Text and select message. Display Text is the same field that we have declared in the ColorController. In the Hierarchy view, select second-wall. Repeat step 7 and step 8 for the remaining vr apk. Step 7. Build and run your app. Since we have not used the Oculus Integration package, the app may not run with Oculus Touch controllers. Save your scene. Double-click the file to run the app on качество lazy media apk правы computer. Use your keyboard or Unity-compatible joysticks for input.