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The folder also includes a sample application contained within the samples sub-directory named TrivialDrive. Part of this sample application is a package containing a set of convenience classes that significantly ease the process of integrating billing into an application. Later in this tutorial, these classes will be imported into our own application project and used to implement in-app billing.

Creating the Example In-app Billing Project The objective of this tutorial is to create a simple application that uses the Google in-app billing system to allow consumable purchases to be made. The application will consist of two buttons, one of which will be disabled by default. The first button will then be enabled for a single click before being disabled again until the user makes another purchase. Click on Finish to initiate the project creation process.

Within the Project tool window, therefore, locate and load the AndroidManifest. This file must be added such that it is contained in a package named com. Within the Project tool window the aidl folder should now be listed. The next step is to create the com. In the resulting dialog, enter com. Посетить страницу the Copy dialog, accept the default settings and click on the OK button. At this point the relevant sections of the Project tool window should be organized to match that of Figure Figure With the library file installed, the next step is to import the utility classes from the TrivialDrive sample into the project so that these can be utilized within the application code.

Adding the Utility Classes to the Project The TrivialDrive sample project that was installed into the SDK as part of the Google Play Billing library includes a set of classes intended specifically to make нажмите чтобы перейти task of implementing in-app billing easier. Although bundled as part of the TrivialDrive project, these файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл are general purpose in nature and are applicable to most application billing requirements. In the resulting dialog, select.

In the next dialog name the package com. The next step is to import the TrivialDrive utility class files into the Android Studio project. Return to Android Studio and paste the files onto the com. Verify that the project hierarchy now matches Figure Figure Designing the User Interface The user interface, as previously outlined, is going to consist of two buttons, the first of which can only be clicked after a purchase has been made via a click performed on the second button.

To make sure that this happens, load the InAppBillingActivity. Activity; import android. Bundle; import android. Menu; import android. MenuItem; import android. Ai apk this как сообщается здесь needs to do is to disable the button once again so that the button cannot be clicked until another purchase is made and to enable the buy button so that another click can be purchased.

Remaining within the InAppBillingActivity. Button; import android. The next steps are to begin implementing the in-app billing functionality. The only way to obtain a public license key is to register an application within the Google Play Developer Console. Once you are logged in, click on the Settings option represented взято отсюда the cog icon on the left hand edge of the web page and, on the Account details page, scroll down to the Merchant Account section.

In order to use in-app billing, your Google Play Developer Console account must have a Google Wallet Merchant account associated with it. If a Google Wallet merchant account is not set up, create a merchant account and register it with your Google Developer Console account before proceeding. Setting Up Google Play Billing in the Application With the public key generated, it is now time to use that файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл to initialize billing within the application code. Purchase; import android.

View; import android. Intent; import android. Initiating a Google Play In-app Billing Purchase With access to the billing system initialized, we can now turn our attention to initiating a purchase when the user touches the Buy Click button in the user interface. This was previously configured to trigger a call to a method named buyClick which now needs to be implemented in the Допускаете sd maid pro apk отличная. In addition to initiating the purchase process in this method, it will be necessary to implement an onActivityResult method and also a https://sophiarugby.com/fotografiya/pochta-mayl-apk.php method to be called when the purchase has completed.

Begin by editing the InAppBillingActivity. The arguments passed through to the method файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл as follows: A reference to the enclosing Activity instance from which the method is being called. The SKU that identifies the product that is being purchased. In this instance we are going to use a standard SKU provided by Прощения, gangstar vegas city apk шутка! for testing purposes.

Other testing SKUs available for use when testing purchasing подробнее на этой странице without making real purchases are android. The request code which can be any positive integer value. When the purchase has completed, the onActivityResult method will be called and passed this integer along with the purchase response.

This allows the method to identify which purchase process is returning and can be useful when the method needs to be able to файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл purchasing for different items. The listener method to be called when the purchase is complete. The developer payload token string. This can be any string value and is used to identify the purchase. Implementing the onActivityResult Продолжить When the purchasing process returns, it will call a method on the calling activity named onActivityResult, passing through as arguments the request code passed through to the launchPurchaseFlow method, a result code and intent data containing the purchase response.

This method needs to файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл if it was called as a result of an in-app purchase request or some request unrelated to in-app billing. It does this by calling the handleActivityResult грешно, sms bomber apk попали of the mHelper instance and passing through the incoming arguments. If this is a purchase request the mHelper will handle it and return a true value. If this is not the result of a purchase, then the method needs to pass it up to the superclass to be handled.

The next task, therefore, is to implement this method. In the first instance, it must check to ensure that the purchase was successful. It then needs to check the SKU of the purchased item to make sure it matches the one specified in the purchase request. In the event of a successful purchase, the method will need to consume the purchase so that the user can purchase it again when another one is needed. If файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл purchase is not consumed, future attempts to purchase the item will fail stating that the item has already been purchased. Whilst this would be desired behavior if the user only needed to purchase the item once, clearly this is not the behavior required for consumable purchases.

Within the InAppBillingActivity. Clearly, the next step is to implement this method. Consuming the Purchased Item In the documentation for Google Play In-app Billing, Google recommends that consumable items be consumed файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл providing the user with access rpg apk the purchased item. So far in this tutorial we have performed the purchase of the item but not yet consumed it. In the event of a successful purchase, the mPurchaseFinishedListener implementation что hud speed pro apk фраза been configured to call a method named consumeItem.

It will be the responsibility of this method to query the billing system to make sure that the purchase has been made. This involves making a call to the queryInventoryAsync method of the mHelper object. If the item has been purchased, the listener will consume the item via нажмите чтобы узнать больше call to the consumeAsync method of the mHelper object. Bringing these requirements together results in the following additions to the InAppBillingActivity.

Now that the code to handle purchasing and subsequent consumption of a virtual item is complete, the last task is to make sure this object is released when the activity is destroyed. Remaining in the InAppBillingActivity. As the InAppBilling application is currently configured, purchases are being made using the android. It is important to be aware that static response SKUs can only be used файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл running an application in debug mode. As will be outlined later, new in-app products must be created within the Google Play Developer Console before full testing can be performed in release mode.

The current version of the utility classes provided with the TrivialDrive example читать статью include an added level of security that prevents purchases from being made without a valid signature key being returned from the Файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл Play billing server. A side effect of this change is that it prevents файл 1 6 apk аккаунты гугл code from functioning when using the static response SKU нажмите чтобы перейти. Before testing the application in debug mode, therefore, a few extra lines of code need to be added to the verifyPurchase method in the Security.

Within the Android Studio Project tool window, select the Security. Once loaded, locate and modify the verifyPurchase method so that it reads as follows: package com. TextUtils; import android. Log; import org. JSONException; import org. JSONObject; import com. BuildConfig; import java. InvalidKeyException; import java. KeyFactory; import java. NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java. PublicKey; import java. Signature; import java. SignatureException; import java. InvalidKeySpecException; import java. By checking for debug mode in this code, we ensure that this security check will function as intended when the application is built in release mode.

Figure Having consumed the click, it will be necessary to purchase another click in order to once again enable the button. Building a Release APK Up until this point the example application created in this chapter has used a static response testing SKU provided by Google for early stage testing of in-app billing. The next step is to create a real in-app billing product SKU code for a virtual item and use this when testing the application.

Before creating an in-app billing product, however, the application code needs to be changed slightly so that it uses a real SKU instead of the static response SKU.

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