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Json settings can be set in the call to AddNewtonsoftJson: services. NewtonsoftJson package. A common error is to install the Newtonsoft. Json package instead of the Microsoft. For more information, see Add Newtonsoft. Json-based JSON format support. NET Core 3. Templates use these new methods instead of AddMvc. However, AddMvc continues to behave as it has in previous releases. The following example adds support for controllers and API-related features, but not views or pages. NET Core 2. AddControllersWithViews ; services. If you experienced problems using Endpoint Routing in 2. If the app directly accesses RouteData. Define the route with a route name.

Use LinkParser. ParsePathByEndpointName and pass in the desired route name. Endpoint Routing supports the same route pattern syntax and route pattern authoring features as IRouter. Endpoint Routing supports IRouteConstraint. For most applications, only Startup requires changes. Migrate Startup. Configure Apk 2 0 UseRouting. UseStaticFiles ; app. UseRouting ; app. UseCors ; app. UseAuthentication ; app. UseAuthorization ; app. Hosting namespace. Replace EnvironmentName with Environments Microsoft.

The following code is an example of Startup. Configure in a typical ASP. In Startup. Require authorization. For more information, see Health checks in ASP. NET Core. Security middleware guidance Support for authorization and CORS is unified around the middleware approach. This allows use apk 2 0 the same middleware and functionality across these scenarios. An updated authorization middleware is provided in this release, and CORS Middleware is enhanced so that it can understand the attributes used by MVC controllers. Middleware was provided for use in some use cases, but MVC filters were intended to be used without the middleware in other use cases.

With ASP. UseCors can be provided with a default policy, and [EnableCors] and [DisableCors] attributes can be used to override the default policy where required. In the following example: CORS is enabled for all endpoints with the default named policy. UseCors "default" ; app. NET Core, authorization support was provided via the [Authorize] attribute. In ASP. We recommend apk 2 0 the ASP. The Authorization Middleware can also be configured with посетить страницу источник default policy, which can be overridden.

If the app uses an AuthorizeFilter as a global filter in MVC, we recommend refactoring the code to provide a policy apk 2 0 the call to AddAuthorization. The DefaultPolicy is initially configured to require authentication, читать далее no additional configuration is required. In the following example, MVC endpoints are marked as RequireAuthorization so that all requests must be ссылка на подробности based on the DefaultPolicy.

UseSqlServer Configuration. GetConnectionString "DefaultConnection" ; services. Add new AuthorizeFilter AddRazorPages ; services. UseDeveloperExceptionPage ; app. UseHttpsRedirection ; app. RequireAuthorization ; endpoints. The FallbackPolicy is different from the DefaultPolicy. The DefaultPolicy is triggered by apk 2 0 or RequireAuthorization, while the FallbackPolicy is apk 2 0 when no other policy is set. FallbackPolicy is initially configured to allow requests without authorization.

For instance, health checks идея тор браузер apk есть no specific https://sophiarugby.com/instrumenti/kino-hd-apk-1.php of authorization, but health checks can have a configurable authorization policy applied by the middleware. Additionally, each endpoint can customize its authorization requirements. Endpoints Middleware throws an exception if an authorization or CORS policy is skipped due to missing middleware. Analyzer support to provide additional feedback about misconfiguration is in progress.

Custom authorization handlers If the app uses custom authorization handlersendpoint routing apk 2 0 a different resource type to handlers than MVC. Handlers that expect the authorization handler context resource to be of type AuthorizationFilterContext the resource type provided by MVC filters will need to be updated to handle resources of type RouteEndpoint the resource type given to authorization handlers by endpoint routing. MVC still uses AuthorizationFilterContext resources, so if the app uses MVC authorization вайбер файл along with endpoint apk 2 0 authorization, it may be necessary to handle both types of resources.

Продолжение здесь each hub with MapHub. As in больше информации versions, each hub is explicitly listed. For example, in Startup. ConfigureServices: services. Add MapControllers if the app uses attribute routing. Since routing includes support for many frameworks in ASP. Place more specific routes such as routes for an area first. In the following example: MapControllers adds support for attribute-routed controllers. MapAreaControllerRoute adds a conventional route for controllers in an area. MapControllerRoute adds a conventional route for controllers.

MapControllers ; endpoints. Both routing and link generation are impacted by this new default. Link generation required specifying the Async suffix. The default behavior can be apk 2 0 with the following code in Startup. Link and similar APIs, for example. These include: By default, when using endpoint routing, casing of route parameters in generated URIs is not necessarily preserved. This behavior can be controlled with the IOutboundParameterTransformer interface. Ambient values route parameters from the current context are not automatically used in link generation with endpoint routing.

Previously, when generating a link to another action or pageunspecified route values would be inferred from the current routes apk 2 0 values. When using endpoint routing, all route parameters must be specified explicitly during link generation. Since Endpoint Routing includes support for many frameworks, adding Razor Pages is now opt-in. In the following Startup. An analyzer is provided that warns if the app attempts to use an unsupported configuration. Apk 2 0 the app requires legacy На этой странице support, disable EnableEndpointRouting using any of the following approaches in Startup.

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