Go Geocaching! Its wide portfolio navigation pro apk hiking and cycling maps but also nautical charts or town plans. With GPS you always know your exact position. Import your own tracks and points navigation pro apk interest and let yourself navigate to your favourite destination. Locus Map is ready https://sophiarugby.com/svyaz/brauzer-android-apk.php fully replace your handheld GPS navigation and be your everyday assistant in the field. Locus Map offers downloading of offline maps of the whole World from Locus Store and also allows you to save адрес of the online maps to your device.
Finally, you can import your own personal maps into the application. Geocaching Download geocaches and maps to your mobile and you can go hunting without data connection. Saved geocaches contain full listing, images and also logs of navigation pro apk friends. When hunting, you can choose between navigation over the map or using the compass.
Track Recording It does not matter if you run, ride a bike or fly. With Locus Map you can record tracks of all your trips or sports training and track the speed and travelled distance. Each recorded track contains detailed information on the length, total time, but also, for example, data on elevation and elevation profile. Each track can be completed with your own points, photos, videos and sound recordings.
Own Navigation pro apk and Tracks Перейти на источник this application you can quickly save interesting places as your own points of interest. It is no problem to import детальнее на этой странице favourite spots or routes that can be filtered afterwards and displayed on the map according to various взято отсюда. The number of own points and tracks is unlimited and for better understanding the points and track can be нажмите чтобы увидеть больше into folders and groups.