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Influential Emirates President Tim Clark said a crisis over crashes of its MAX had damaged торсерв apk air travel industry as a whole, but he was confident the redesigned jet was safe. There is a top-down culpability and accountability and they need to recognise that.

The jet, filmix apk staple of short-haul travel across the world, was grounded in March after crashes apk тв ivi смарт to flawed software. It is pointless shuffling the deck," Clark said, though he stopped short of laying out precise actions Boeing should take. Boeing should understand the magnitude mee tim huawei apk damage to the industry and make structural changes," Clark said.

Since the узнать больше здесь, Boeing has fired its former chief executive, added a board safety committee and agreed to strengthen internal controls. It says it has learned "many hard lessons" from the crisis. On Wednesday, Calhoun named Mike Delaney chief aerospace safety officer, a new role. The U. Federal Aviation Administration, which mee tim huawei apk admitted mistakes during certification, has seen its global leadership tarnished by the crisis.

Clark backed the European Union Aviation Safety Agency for taking a "very hard line" over the re-design.

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03.05.2021 в 10:08
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28.04.2021 в 10:17