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Morelocale 2 apk for Android

There is an easy way to нажмите для деталей the app language with MoreLocale2. MoreLocale2 is only able to change the language of the apps. The system language and settings are still in the source language. Something can not afford an app. If you have problems with minimal ADB package. Нажмите чтобы перейти you already have root morelocale 2 apk on your device, changing the language is easy.

Install the MoreLocale 2 from the Play Store and start the app. Select the desired advanced apk. Accepts the root rights with the following query. Completly finished! Without root: Unfortunately, this is not so easy without root privileges, because by default you do not have permission to change the language on the device. But this is possible via a small detour via the ADB shell. Minimal ADB and the drivers for the device are installedYou need to unlock the developer settings on your device.

Then you перейти на страницу in the "developer options" the USB debugging. If you come in response "unauthorized" you have no real connection to morelocale 2 apk device. This can have several causes, such as driver is not installed correctly, cable is morelocale 2 apk or not the original cable used always best to use original. With some cheap cables there are also some problems here. Now you enter the command adb shell5. Start now the MoreLocale скачав apk app again or if the app is still open you can see a list of the language and simply type in the desired language7.

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07.01.2021 в 20:07
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