apk deployment

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Apk deployment for Android

There are two ways you should consider testing your app bundle: locally using the bundletool command line tool and through Google Play by uploading your bundle to the Play Console and using a test track. This page explains how to use bundletool to test your app bundle locally. Note: You can not use apksigner to sign your app bundle. By default, the IDE does not use app bundles https://sophiarugby.com/razvlecheniya/yandeks-navigator-3-51-apk.php deploy your app to a local device for testing.

To generate an APK set for all device configurations your app supports from your app bundle, use the bundletool build-apks command, as shown below. If you do not specify signing information, bundletool attempts to sign your APKs with a debug key for you. Only --bundle and --output are required—all other flags are optional. To learn more, read Build your project. To test the artifacts in this apk deployment on a device, go to the section about how apk modern combat 4 deploy APKs to a connected device.

Пк apk default, bundletool includes its own version of AAPT2. This flag apk deployment optional. If you specify a keystore using the --ks flag without specifying --ks-pass, bundletool prompts you for a password from the command line. If this password is identical to the one for the keystore itself, you can omit this flag. To learn more, read about the feature module manifest. Keep in mind, these APKs are larger than apk deployment optimized for a particular device configuration. Local testing allows for quick, iterative testing cycles without the need apk deployment upload to Google Play servers.

For an example of how to test module installation apk deployment the --local-testing flag, see Locally test module installs. For example, if you have a connected device running Android 5. Alternatively, if your connected device is running Android 4.

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