econ tool pro apk

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Econ tool pro apk for Android

No need of physically submitting docs or scanning docs to us. Продолжение здесь many more features, for the shippers the consignees. This App is developed by Econship for its customers. A first in the shipping industry. A futuristic App. No more long telephone calls to reach the person to solve your issues. From this App, you get страница connected with the right person handling your specific task.

If you create a draft booking in this App, the person responsible for issuing CRO, sees your request instantly and he would issue CRO in the system-defined time frame. If he does not do on time, the is automatically escalated for solution.

Primarily, the App is designed to do what the Desk-top or Notebook can not do with ease. For example uploading of documents and payment proofs etc. With this App you just complete all your uploading with a few clicks. You can always go back привожу ссылку check what you have uploaded.

You will also have the option to rectify wrong uploads by re-doing again. No need for you to maintain thick folders and files. From start to end, all the stages of the shipment and its documents are lined up in your App. You can econ tool pro apk and check any past shipment здесь or you can monitor your current shipment on real-time.

Https:// can give instructions to the shipping line like issuing a CRO, getting a Shipping Certificate, surrender or switch a BL, eSign 1 or 2file a rate, or revise your invoice. The econ tool pro apk documents are uploaded by the customer through this App.

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19.02.2021 в 05:35