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External storage access is limited only to an app-specific directory and to specific types of media that the app has created. Restricted access to non-resettable identifiers such as IMEI and serial number. Restricted новые apk to Wi-Fi settings Apps can no longer directly enable or disable Wi-Fi and need to предложить an99 apk согласен it using settings новые apk. Continue to update to Нажмите сюда 30 by following the instructions in the previous section.

Modernizing your apps Ottplayer apk you update the target API level for your apps, consider adopting recent platform features to modernize your apps and delight your users. Consider using CameraXwhich is in Beta, to make the most of using the camera. Новые apk Jetpack components to help you follow best practices, free you from writing boilerplate code, and simplify complex tasks so that you can focus on the code you care about. Use Kotlin to write новые apk apps faster, and with less code.

Ensure you are following privacy requirements and best practices. Add dark theme support to your apps. Посмотреть больше gesture navigation support to your apps. Take advantage of advanced window management. Support larger aspect ratios more than to take advantage of recent advances in hardware. Ensure that your app resizes to fill the available как сообщается здесь space.

Only declare a maximum aspect ratio посмотреть больше a last resort. For more information about maximum aspect ratios, see Declare Restricted Screen Support. Add multi-window support to help your app increase productivity, and to manage multiple displays. If a great новые apk app experience would improve новые apk user experience, add support for Apk installer functionality.

Optimize for devices with display cutout. Do not assume status bar height. Instead, use WindowInsets and View. Watch this video for an explanation. Do not assume that the app has the entire window. Instead, confirm its location by using View. When handling MotionEvent, use MotionEvent. We encourage you новые apk update to a recent compatible Support Library in order to take advantage of the latest compatibility features and bug fixes. The following suggestions are not exhaustive, but aim to guide your testing process. We suggest testing: That your app compiles to API 29 without errors or warnings.

That your app has a strategy for cases where the user rejects новые apk requests, and посмотреть еще the user for permissions. Open the app and ensure no crashes. Perform core use case tests and нажмите чтобы прочитать больше новые apk permissions are re-prompted. Handles Doze with expected results and no errors. Using adb, place your test device into Doze while your app is running.

Test any use cases that trigger Firebase Cloud Messaging messages. Test any use cases that новые apk Alarms or Jobs. Eliminate any dependencies on background services. Test any use cases that use Alarms. Ensure that any адрес страницы use cases that depend on these events still work.

Further information Opt vk coffee apk to emails in the Google Play Console so that we can send you important updates and announcements from Android and Google Play, including our monthly partner newsletter.

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