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Plague inc apk for Android

Plague Inc. I grew up нажмите чтобы перейти the flash game Plague inc apk 2, and once I heard my перейти talking about this game a little while ago, I was stoked. It really does make you think and formulate strategies specific to plague inc apk disease and frp rom, which I absolutely love. Also love the addition of the special diseases neurax worm, zombie plague, planet of the apes, vampiresand how you can unlock them without spending any extra money so long as you have a little dedication and patience.

But nothing in this game is impossible to achieve. I was here about a year ago and gave this a 3 star and said that to do stuff in the game you have to pay in addition to the price of the game. I was wrong. You have to beat everything on normal and then the specials on brutal. My one concern plague inc apk the shadow plague. Even the labs will half kill you. Just saying that this might need a ссылка redesign.

I also have a quick suggestion: multiplayer. Have a multiplayer where one person tries to infect the world while the other person tries to stop Amazing game, keep it up In-App Purchases.

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13.01.2021 в 08:23
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18.01.2021 в 10:59
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17.01.2021 в 22:39
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